What Is LifeSherpa

LifeSherpa is the only remote support platform designed to function as a force multiplier to give organizations and people more of what they need.

We help organizations and people extend their capabilities and work in unison so they can increase output and achieve more.

What’s in the Platform 

In one integrated cloud-based platform, LifeSherpa powers and delivers content, reminders, reinforcements, self-help resources, best practices, communications, and analytics – turning the support experience into a proactive, proficient process and keeping your data secure. 

What Is LifeSherpa Used For?


Simplify skill and knowledge building


Empower people with support and tools that are always with them

Remote Management

Build strong 1:1s and teams

Independent Living

Deliver cost-effective life skills support.

What Sets LifeSherpa Apart?

LifeSherpa gives service organizations, employers, intern and apprenticeship programs, and academic and educational institutions, and healthcare providers the ability to scale their operations and:

  • Adapt and tailor content and support processes, and
    deliver them 1:1
  • Centralize and provide personalized training tools and
    videos, reminders, reinforcements, self-help resources,
    and private communications on an individual’s mobile
  • Automatically track and get real-time status, engagement,
    and performance metrics

More reasons to love us…

“LifeSherpa helps us address complex and challenging goals … and scale our business.”

Barbara Kaminski
PhD BCBA, D Clinical Director Green Box, ABA, PLLC

Want to learn more about LifeSherpa?

Request a Personal Demo

See in action what it can do for your organization.